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My Child Only Wants Me.
Help - My 3 year old Son ONLY wants me to do things with him. "Mummy do it" he says. He gives my husband such a hard time when we are...
Helping Your Structured Child Out the Door in the Morning.
The Structured Child: Structured Natures need to have total authority over getting themselves ready. Reminding them all the time is seen...
Survive the Holiday Season - Activities that Suit Your Child's Nature
Every child is born with a unique nature, and when that nature is nurtured and honoured, the child develops a powerful sense of...
Why are my children so different?
#1 Best Selling Author & Nanny
Behaviour Consultant
International Speaker
& Parent Coach
Im Unsure What Nature My Child Is
#1 Best Selling Author & Nanny
Behaviour Consultant
International Speaker
& Parent Coach
Does your home environment clash with your child’s nature?
When your child is unsettled and uncooperative, they might be in an environment that clashes with their true nature. Research shows...
My Perspective On Parenting
​My approach is founded on the belief that every child is born with a unique nature, and when that nature is nurtured and honoured, the...
The Structured Child
The Structured child is serious and literal. Their movement is still and exact. They are always seeking information, asking questions and...
The Sensitive Natured Child
The Sensitive Natured child is caring and quiet.​ Their movement is soft and gentle and they are motivated by peace and being...
The Strong Natured Child
The Strong Natured child is self assured and forward in movement. They are always on the lookout for action or to get a reaction. They...
The Social Natured Child
The Social Natured child is cute and cheeky. They are motivated by fun and interacting with others. They are:​​ Fun-loving, random,...
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